Comm-B TA Training
The WAC program leads a training for teaching assistants new to teaching Communication-B courses (Comm-B faculty and instructional staff are also welcome to join). This cross-curricular training offers strategies for teaching with and assessing writing.
Writing Fellows Program
Our Writing Fellows program prepares selected undergraduate students from a wide range of majors to serve as peer writing tutors in courses across the disciplines. Writing Fellows work closely with instructors and students to improve student writing through commenting and holding conferences.
Teaching Resources
Find our WAC sourcebook, Locally Sourced (with advice for teaching writing and examples of assignments from across the disciplines); information on teaching writing in the age of AI; and student-facing resources from the Writing Center's Writers Handbook.
Our Campus Partners
WAC partners with the Center Teaching, Learning, and Mentoring (CTLM) to support instructors as they navigate the complex, dynamic and rewarding craft of teaching with writing.
WAC - Delta
In partnership with the Delta Program in Research, Teaching, and Learning (Delta) WAC engages graduate students and postdocs in professional development around teaching with writing.
Every semester, WAC joins the Madison Teaching and Learning Excellence (MTLE) program for early-career faculty to facilitate four weeks of training on teaching with and assessing research and writing assignments.